Hope that endures
A few days ago, during our devotionals, we felt that God wanted to remind us of something important as a community: Why do you do what you do?
All of us on the Staff had to leave our family, friends, church, stable job, comforts, culture, food, and even our own country to come to Morelia, Mexico, to serve in this place.
The reason? To have heard the voice of God. As clear and loud as ever before, telling us: "Leave everything behind, and from now on, my steps will go before yours".
The cost of following Christ goes beyond what we could ever imagine. We have lived through difficult times of anguish and sadness, scarcity, grief, etc. However, each staff, student, and/or volunteer that make up YWAM Morelia, is convinced that this is the place where they should be because this is where God called them to be. For a short time or for the next ten years, but this is our home.
The problem is that sometimes we forget. When we go through the valley of the shadow and death, we forget that God is the one who brought us here and He is the only reason we decided to set aside our lives and follow Him, no matter what it takes.
Hope that Endures
“Dear brothers and sisters, when troubles of any kind come your way, consider it an opportunity for great joy. For you know that when your faith is tested, your endurance has a chance to grow. So let it grow, for when your endurance is fully developed, you will be perfect and complete, needing nothing.”
James 1:2-4 NLT
Today we understand that there is a hope that endures, and it is the hope of knowing that the promises he has given to be here will be fulfilled.
For some, it represents family, for others healing and restoration, for others ministry and leadership, or for still others, learning and training. For each of us, the seed of hope that was planted in our hearts looks different, but the objective is the same: to bear fruit in this beautiful place we call home today: Morelia, Michoacán.
We were called to be here. And this week God reminded us that no matter what happens, that promise will be fulfilled. That is the hope that keeps us standing in spite of the difficulties.
Maybe God is speaking to you to come to Morelia and be part of YWAM. To do a DTS and have your life transformed.
If so, don't delay in taking the step. If you have a word from God, He will be faithful to fulfill it. That is your hope.
We want to see you soon. Our next school starts in September, and you can be a part of it.